Saturday, April 2, 2011


B is for Brémdy, our second installment of the Deepest Sea A-Z.

Brémdy is the western most country in the known world, south of the Deepest Sea, and east of the Shallow Sea.  To the east lies Chénez, and to the south is the Barbarian country of Utenas. Like all the human kingdoms south of the Deepest Sea, the majority of the country's territory lies over the Rim.  There are no dwarven kingdoms in the mountains of Brémdy, although many ancient holds are reputed to be found there.  In AGM1031, the duke of Férfoy added to the land ruled by the Crown by claiming the crown of Umbria.

Specially marked by cunning, despising their own inheritance in the hope of winning a greater, eager after both gain and dominion, given to imitation of all kinds, holding a certain mean between lavishness and greediness. Their chief men were specially lavish through their desire of good report. They were, moreover, a race skillful in flattery, given to the study of eloquence, so that the very boys were orators. They were enduring of toil, hunger, and cold whenever fortune laid it on them, given to hunting and hawking, delighting in the pleasure of horses, and of all the weapons and garb of war. - M. Malaterra, from his treatise "On the Brémdians" AGM975

Brémdy was settled by the the most adventurous tribes of Nords during the great migration (circa AGM15), and as the area was but sparsely populated by the Empire, it was quickly converted into human rule.  The population is quite high as a result (around Five Million), and various crusades have departed to conquer barbarian territory in the last century, most successfully in AGM1032, when South Umbria was added as a fiefdom of the Crown.  The population speaks an evolved Franka dialect called Brémdian, which is characterized by being more nasal and which retains the Nordic word inflections.

Brémdy is ruled by a King who processes through the crown holdings during the year.  In this way, each region of the country sees the majesty of the crown, and the King is able to administer high justice.  The country is divided into duchies, and those into baronies.  The number of duchies changes from time to time, as great houses merge and split.  During the current era, there are twelve duchies, and Hodiéq is run by a charter granted by the King.  Brémdy is blessed with fertile soil and a high population, so serfdom is more rare than in the other kingdoms, and free yeomen farmers work the land for the barons.  The crown does not allow the enslavement of its subjects; however, debtor-bondsmen are common in the south where the land is less fertile, and farm failures are common.

In Brémdy it is illegal for commoners to wear swords when not at war, although this rule is often ignored in the south, where raids from Utenas are not unknown.

Located in the south on the Shallow Sea.  Known for its cider production, martial air of its inhabitants, and heavily involved in trade along the coast of Brémdy. Population 4,500 households
Located at the mouth of a large bay on the Shallow Sea, Contés is the home port of the Brémdian Navy. Population: 4,000 households
Located across the river Méuse from Chénez, Férfoy is known for trade and the production of finished goods, due to its ample water power.  Population 5,000 households
A fishing port on the Shallow Sea, Créquy also smelts iron taken from mines in the Rim. Population 3,400 households.
Largest city of the country, and the only one located on the Deepest Sea.  Self governing by charter granted by the Crown (in AGM967, during the rule of Charlés the weak).  Substantial population of Elves, Dwarves, with some havlings living outside the city.  Has a merchant quarter dominated by Vatonians. Population: 8,000 households

Monday, more Deepest Sea A-Z, with a review of Clerics.

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