The Wargamer's mind is a fickle thing [and possibly not the most stable]. Far too often when browsing about the Internet, or reading books, or even walking down the street, a new idea springs to mind.
Fortunately [for me] I have a blog to get such ideas out "on paper" so that they can be developed without the expenditure of money. (as with
Eldar corsairs for Inquisitor, or
Song of Ice and Fire skirmish games)
Today I stumbled upon an interesting blog through links from other blogs, which I probably reached originally from links in blogs I follow. You know, as one does. In this case it was
Matt's Gaming Page, and scrolling down, I noticed a lovely, and well illustrated battle featuring the British and French slugging it out in
a company level battle. Wait... company level? Now that is exciting.
A French company had something on the order of 140 men officially; but in reality it would be somewhat smaller, and if the ordinary privates get left out, you have a more colorful little army of around 50-60 figures. The British and other allies likewise had similar sized companies, and could be reduced in a similar fashion.
In the post, Matt mentions that he used the
Ganesha Games rules
61 65, which are designed for fighting the American Civil War at a company level. GG also makes
the Song of Drums and Shakos for smaller level Napoleonic skirmish, and that book says it includes profiles for 160+ troop types from all major nations [Online squad builder
here]. I wonder how compatible the stat lines are, and if you could combine the books to make a
03 15 variation...
Lovely paint job on Perry box FN100 |
My first inclination would be to look to
Perry for the figures, but their own range is aimed at the 1815 period, which can be limiting in some aspects, as the uniforms and equipment changed somewhat through out the wars. The Perrys also sculpted a large and fairly comprehensive range for
Wargames Foundry, and the Eureka French Revolutionary Wars range could also be useful for earlier battles (or for units that did not change uniforms).
Victrix too has a large plastic range, which is perhaps more suited to skirmish gaming as well.
Wargames Foundry b50 |
The Napoleonic period is so colorful, it would be very exciting to paint some larger scale figures [also more difficult], and get some games in. Now I just need more time!