Thursday, May 13, 2021


Sorry for the silence lately, I have been very busy with work in the past year, and in the last few months this has been compounded by the looming end of the contract under which we all work.  The contract has been picked up by another company, and many of us here are going there to keep doing the same jobs, but months of uncertainty and extra contract closeout work has been stressful, and not conducive to much hobby time. 

I have been painting Eldar though, and prodding the kid to paint, so a 9th edition 40k game is growing closer.  (although his codex Marines vs. my 8th edition index Eldar ought to be a bloodbath...)

I have also printed a few things on the 3d printer which I would like to show off sometime. 

Anyway, hope all of you are well, and that I have more time to hobby and blog about it soon.