I managed to do a little sculpting last week to move these Night Goblins along. I am trying to strike while the
iron is hot, so to speak, before I inevitably drift into thinking about other projects.
Converted Boss, Banner Boss, Shaman, and another Boss |
Since I took this picture I finished prepping a 30 member regiment of spear gobbos, and now I am just waiting for a warmer weekend afternoon to get to priming.
Of course, given the time of year I may be waiting a while (and I spent the last one doing work on the house).
Looking nice, eager to see more!
What did you sculpt?
30 figures for a regiment is a lot of painting! 😀
Thanks Suber!
Stew, the sculpts will be made clear in some future post, where I will compare the figures so you can see what I changed. Basically did work on the hoods and sleeves to cover up my conversions, and then I sculpted some shields.
And 30 figures is pretty minimal for night goblins! Fortunately they paint quickly.
Looking good. I've been putting together some plastic IG, very fiddly at points.
Very cool. I cannot imagine getting through enough to make a unit. Hat's off to you, Sir!
@Maj. Guiscard I am only doing putty additions to the ones seen here! (and now a crew gobbo of a bolt thrower). Sculpting more would be hard, but painting them is easy... they are almost all black!
Huzzah! Top stuff - good to see more goblins infesting the darker corners of your blog. Any more of the hounds?? :D
Having my mind drift onto other projects is sort of a given. There is so much I want to do that I kinda finish some projects in my head (and shelf the actual WIP project) before moving on to others; if that makes sense! :)
Nice article as well as whole site.Thanks.
What are you getting these ready for mate? A game or project? That new Warlords of Erehwon rules set by Warlord Games looks like a good setting-neutral fantasy rules option and I've been playing with the idea of perhaps picking them up to see if my collection of old fantasy stuff will work with them.
Liking what I see so far - any further updates?
Hey Dai! I am working away at them, just very slowly lately due to being busy with life stuff. (and being spring after a rainy winter, every damn plant we own is growing out of control and has to be cut back).
I was thinking more of doing the ol'WHFB route with these guys, seeing as I am building up to an army worth, but any game at this point would be a good game. (I also have a smallish empire army painted, and two more er four more in various stages of building)
Look forward to that - I've enjoyed some Age of Sigmar games, but they feel like bar room brawls with little grounding - post Armies on Parade, we're back to squares and waging Warhammer war through the old world anew :D
LGP - we should look into a more manageable warband level game like in the old Real of Chaos books. I could throw together enough (And gasp, perhaps even get it painted???) relatively easy. Wonder if there's an orc/goblinz version?
Dai, yes it would be easier to do something small, which given my current rate of painting might still take forever to accomplish. Although I thought LotR was the fantasy skirmish game de jour?
Eh, I don't know. Played the game with Stew, but I'm not about to buy into another rules set anytime soon!
But I DO have all the old WHFB 3rd Ed rules and the Realms of Chaos books and am sure I can hunt about for the Warhammer Armies book to see if we could come up with our own way to make a non-Chaos warband?
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