Huh, how did we get to September already?
So in the last couple of months, I went on vacation twice, went away for a conference in Seattle, and worked on a room of our house found to have termite damage (yay). To do that I had to move all of my hobby material to the garage, and my hobby desk now graces the kitchen dining area, which is not ideal by any means.
Oh, and I turned 40 (certainly beats the alternative)
For my auspicious birthday I got some Barnes and Noble gift cards and some cash, which I converted immediately into gaming material.
For X-wing. my buddy gave me a TIE Advanced, and I bought a TIE Phantom and an ARC-170. I will also get a TIE Bomber later... all of which will make me well placed to have to re-buy all the rules again when X-wing Ver2 comes out later this month.
Three X-wing miniatures |
My sister gave me Timeline:Events, and my wife's Aunt and Uncle gave me the Viking Game, and then I bought the other games. All have proved to be great fun so far, and Sushi Go! is easy enough to play with the kids, which is nice.
Card and board games |
With a bit of cash, I finally got Romulan Armada to feed my Trek addiction. While I have been waiting to buy it, a new Unity edition of the underlying Starmada game came out, and ADB very generously allows for "Upgrade" copies to be purchased at cost, so I got a copy of Klingon Armada Unity edition as well. (and some drone/shuttle counters). I have only had the chance to flip through the books so far, but they seem to be pretty good, albeit different from the prior edition. More research needed.
Unity Edition Starmada books |
Hobby-wise, I have not done all that much (please see excuses above), but I have made over 50 ships for my
Shapeways store now. I just need to have another birthday or 10 to fund the printing of those ships!