Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Laughing Ferret - Give away

Laughing Ferret, of Laughing Ferret Lab, is having a 200,000th hit give-away.  Merely commenting on the blog gives you an entry, and plugging the contest gives you another.  There are some very nice prizes, including a sprue of Mordor orcs, dice, and some old codexs [codices?].

200k hits is pretty great, and the blog is interesting, even if you do not play Bloodbowl...  I seem to recall first reading the blog a while back with an article about Lord of the Ring dwarf ranger conversions, and started following there after.


Laughing Ferret said...

Thanks! And how did I miss following your blog? And that we're locals? Well, I can be scatterbrained. Corrected: following.

Lasgunpacker said...

Well it is a wide world web after all... glad to have you following now.